Thaler, Alvin Isaac2011-06-202011-06-201990-09-28Alvin Isaac Thaler, OH 220. Oral history interview by William Aspray, 28 September 1990, Washington, D.C. Charles Babbage Institute, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. 220, 20 pp.Thaler describes his experiences as a program director in both the mathematical and computer science divisions of the National Science Foundation (NSF). Topics include: EXPRES, an interoperability program of NSF; computational mathematics; theoretical computer science; the work of John Pasta; Jim Infante and the decision to separate mathematics and computer science into two divisions; the role of other funding agencies; and NSF support of computer science research.en-USComputer historyPasta, John R., 1918-National Science Foundation (U.S.). -- Division of Mathematical and Computer SciencesNational Science Foundation (U.S.). -- Coordinated Experimental Research ProgramMathematics -- HistoryInfante, E. F.Federal aid to research -- United StatesComputer science -- HistoryOral history interview with Alvin I. ThalerOral History