2013-06-112013-06-112004-07Nature, society, and thought, Vol. 17, No. 3 (July 2004)0890-6130https://hdl.handle.net/11299/150753ARTICLES: Herbert Hörz, Quantum Physics and the Shaping of Life: Commentary on Klaus Fuchs’s Critique of Mechanistic Determinism. Omar Swartz, Normative Morality and the U.S. Constitution. Steven E. Fleischman, Israel, Neocolonialism, and U.S. Hegemony. COMMENTARIES: David S. Pena, Judging the Importance of Religious Teachings: A Reply to Goldstick. Roger Keeran and Thomas Kenny, A Rejoinder to Erwin Marquit’s Critique of Socialism Betrayed. Erwin Marquit, Response to Keeran and Kenny’s Rejoinder. MARXIST FORUM: International Meeting of Communist and Workers Parties, Athens, 8–10 October 2004. Presentation by the German Communist Party (DKP). BOOK REVIEWS: Kristian Williams, Law and Philosophy Subversive of Democracy, by James W. Syfers. ABSTRACTS (in English and French).enNature, society, and thought: a journal of dialectical and historical materialism, Volume 17, Number 3 (July 2004)NSTNewsletter or Bulletin