Ingvalson, Drew2018-03-222018-03-222014 and presentation completed by student enrolled in PA 5261: Housing Policy, taught by Dr. Edward Goetz in spring 2014.This project was completed as part of the 2013-2014 Resilient Communities Project ( partnership with the City of North St. Paul. Hoping to make North St. Paul a “community for a lifetime,” city staff were looking to develop policies and programs to promote aging in place. Project lead Jon Fure worked with a student in PA 5261: Housing Policy, taught by Dr. Ed Goetz. The student researched program case studies and developed a set of recommendations, including: create a remodel example for the community; create incentives for home remodels; increase walkability and connectivity of the city; and assist seniors with home maintenance. The final report and presentation are available.ensustainabilitylocal governmentNorth Saint PaulNorth St. Paul Projects, 2013-2014Housing and Aging in Place: City of North St PaulPresentation