Zamkov, Mikhail2017-05-222017-05-222017-05 the energy flow in nanoscale materials is an important yet challenging goal. Experimental methods for probing the intermolecular energy transfer (ET) are often burdened by the spectral crosstalk between donor and acceptor species, which complicates unraveling their individual contributions. This issue is particularly prominent in inorganic nanoparticles and biological macromolecules featuring broad absorbing profiles. Here, we demonstrate a general spectroscopic strategy for measuring the energy transfer efficiency between nanostructured or molecular dyes exhibiting a significant donor-acceptor spectral overlap. The reported approach is enabled through spectral shaping of the broadband excitation light using solutions of donor molecules, which helps suppressing the excitation of respective donor species in the sample. The resulting changes in the acceptor emission induced by the spectral modulation of the excitation beam allow determining the quantum efficiency and the rate of ET processes between arbitrary fluorophores (molecules, nanoparticles, polymers) with high accuracy. The feasibility of the reported method is demonstrated using two control donor-acceptor systems: a low-overlap protein-bridged Cy3-Cy5 dye pair, and high-overlap CdSe560-CdSe600 nanocrystal film.enFTPICETNATracking the Energy Flow on Nanoscale via Sample-Transmitted Excitation Photoluminescence (STEP) SpectroscopyPresentation