Phelan, AlexandraPillinger, MaraKavanagh, MatthewUniversity of Minnesota Duluth. Royal D. Alworth, Jr. Institute for International Studies2021-01-132021-01-132020, October 14, 2020, 7:00 PM CDTHear a discussion by experts from the Georgetown Law Center. They will discuss how various countries have dealt with the pandemic as well as provide an evaluation of the World Health Organization (WHO). Panel is moderated by UMD's own global governance expert, Jeremy Youde, Dean of the College of Liberal Arts.en-USPostersUniversity of Minnesota DuluthPanelsRoyal D. Alworth, Jr. Institute for International StudiesCollege of Liberal ArtsVirtual eventsCovid-19 Around the World: A Comparative look at how Countries have confronted the Pandemic (2020-10-14)Other