Ojakangas, R.W.Morey, G.B.2010-02-262010-02-261972https://hdl.handle.net/11299/58565Prepared for the 85th Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of America and Associated Societies, 1972. Also includes a special paper on the Geology of the Western Part of the Vermilion Metavolcanic-Metasedimentary Belt, Northeastern Minnesota, by P.K. Sims and others.The present investigation, carried out since 1962 as part of continuing studies of the Lower Precambrian rocks of northern Minnesota, has consisted of broad regional geologic mapping in the western half of the district and adjacent areas (Sims and others, 1968; Sims and others, 1970) and detailed mapping and study of critical areas (Gabbro Lake quadrangle, Green and others, 1966; and Green, 1970; Isaac Lake quadrangle, Griffin and Morey, 1969; Embarrass quadrangle, Griffin, 1969; Tower, Shagawa Lake, and Ely quadrangles, unpublished maps). Systematic geologic mapping has not been carried out in the eastern part of the district as a part of the present re-study; however, the excellent geologic map of Gruner (1941) in the type area of the Knife Lake Group remains a useful one, and S.S. Goldich, G.N. Hanson, and associates have examined critical areas in the Saganaga Lake Northern Light Lake area as part of regional geochronologic studies. This field trip starts a few miles south of Ely and ends a few miles west of Tower, and is designed as a two-day trip. Typical outcrops of all formations in the district are included, but most stops will examine the Lake Vermilion Formation. The rocks that will be seen on this trip are tightly folded and steeply plunging; therefore, we will be looking at a cross-section (but a structurally complicated one) of a volcanic-sedimentary pile. All the rocks in the area are metamorphosed, but for simplicity the prefix "meta" will generally be omitted.engeologyFieldtripMinnesota Geological Surveynortheastern MinnesotaVermilionGSAmetamorphicGuidebook 2. Field Trip Guide Book for Lower Precambrian Volcanic-Sedimentary Rocks of the Vermilion district, Northeastern MinnesotaMap