Lee, Hyuneung2010-03-152010-03-152010-02https://hdl.handle.net/11299/59414University of Minnesota Ph.D. dissertation. February 2010. Major: Work and Human Resource Education. Advisor: Gary N. McLean. 1 computer file (PDF); xii, 168 pages, A-E.In this study, it was investigated whether emotional consonance mediates the trait emotional intelligence (EI)-emotional labor relationship and whether emotional consonance moderates the ability EI-emotional labor relationship and the emotional labor-job burnout relationship. A survey questionnaire was administered to 600 employees from 22 subsidiaries of a Korean conglomerate, and 401 surveys were returned, resulting in a 66.8% response rate. In the process of data screening, three outliers were eliminated, leaving 398 cases in the sample. It was found that trait EI was positively related to emotional consonance, and emotional consonance was negatively related to surface acting and positively related to deep acting. Also, emotional consonance mediated the relationship between trait EI and surface/deep acting. Ability EI had a negative relationship with surface acting and a positive relationship with deep acting though the relationships were weak. Emotional consonance did not moderate the ability EI-emotional labor relationship but explained most of the variance of surface/deep acting. Though surface acting was positively and deep acting was negatively related to emotional exhaustion and depersonalization, ability EI had a larger effect on both dimensions of job burnout. While surface acting did not have a significant effect on personal accomplishment, deep acting had a positive effect on personal accomplishment. Finally, though emotional consonance did not moderate the relationships between surface/deep acting and emotional exhaustion and depersonalization, emotional consonance moderated the relationships between surface/deep acting and personal accomplishmenten-USCultureEmotionEmotional IntelligenceEmotional LaborHuman Resource DevelopmentJob BurnoutWork and Human Resource EducationThe relationship between emotional intelligence and emotional labor and its effect on job burnout in Korean OrganizationsThesis or Dissertation