Tuck, Brigid2014-12-102014-12-102009https://hdl.handle.net/11299/168120This report is the result of collaboration between University of Minnesota Extension and the University of Minnesota Tourism Center. In 2009, the Paul Bunyan Scenic Byway and the Lake County Scenic Byway, both in Minnesota, received funding from the Central Regional Sustainable Development Partnership and the University Carlson Chair for Travel and Tourism to conduct a study of the economic impact of the two scenic byways. After discussion, it was determined the most appropriate approach to this study would be to divide it into two segments. The two goals of the first segment are: 1) to quantify the economic impact of byway spending on development, maintenance, and promotion of the intrinsic qualities of the byway, 2) to collect and analyze available information, in the form of a literature review, on methods and processes used in scenic byway economic impact studies. The main goal of the second segment is to measure and quantify the economic impact created by byway tourists.enEconomic impactinvestmentsScenic BywayPaul BunyanLake Countryemploymentlabor incomeThe Economic Impact of Investments in the Intrinsic Qualities of the Paul Bunyan and Lake Country Scenic BywaysReport