Geach, Christopher PHanany, SFritts, D CKaifler, BKaifler, NKjellstrand, C BWilliams, B PEckermann, S DMiller, A DJones, GReimuller, J2020-05-012020-05-012020-05-01 consist of image data (""), lidar data(""), and NAVGEM reanalysis output (""). Image and lidar data were taken aboard the PMC Turbo instrument described in Fritts et al. (2019) "PMC Turbo: Studying Gravity Wave and Instability Dynamics in the Summer Mesosphere Using Polar Mesospheric Cloud Imaging and Profiling From a Stratospheric Balloon". Images contain metadata: balloon location, altitude, and pointing, and image exposure time. NAVGEM reanalysis model is described in Eckermann et al. (2018) "High-Altitude (0–100 km) Global Atmospheric Reanalysis System: Description and Application to the 2014 Austral Winter of the Deep Propagating Gravity Wave Experiment (DEEPWAVE)". Data consists of vertical profiles from 50-100 km of meridional winds, zonal winds, temperatures and buoyancy frequency.These datasets are published in accordance with AGU requirements for journal submission.CC0 1.0 Universal wavesPolar mesospheric cloudsPMC Turbo image and lidar data taken in July 2018, supplement to Geach et al. (2020) "Gravity Wave and Vortex Ring Formation Observed by PMC Turbo"Dataset