Edwards, AshleyHyk, JenniferKendall, AmeliaLarson, JenniferNegash, Tesfaye2019-08-142019-08-142011PB 1 (1)https://hdl.handle.net/11299/205699This policy brief is adapted from Heading Home Hennepin: An Analysis of Shelter Use and Intervention Points, a report prepared for Professor Maria Hanratty's spring 2010 capstone workshop at the University of Minnesota's Hubert H. Humphrey School of Public Affairs. The brief summarizes a study that assessed how well homelessness programs funded by Hennepin County, in partnership with other agencies and organizations, are meeting the needs of the long-term homeless population. The study draws on newly available data on public and private shelter use to determine the nature and extent of long-term homelessness in Hennepin County. Includes recommendations for policy makers.engovernment servicesHennepin CountyHennepin-University Partnership (HUP)homelesshomelessnessWhy Homeless Individuals "Get Stuck": A Closer Look at Shelter Use and Intervention Points in Hennepin County.Report