Jacobs, Lawrence R.2021-02-252021-02-252017-06-06https://hdl.handle.net/11299/218762The mayoral campaign is picking up speed with the Minneapolis endorsement convention approaching on July 8th.The next mayor of Minneapolis will face challenges sustaining economic development and the well-being of workers in Minneapolis as cities like Denver and Seattle begin to pose stiffer competition. Representative Raymond Dehn, Al Flowers, Minneapolis Council Member Jacob Frey, Tom Hoch, Minneapolis Mayor Betsy Hodges, Dr. Nekima Levy-Pounds, and Aswar Rahman will join Professor Larry Jacobs and Lee Schafer, Business Columnist, Star Tribune for a conversation about the economic and business conditions in Minneapolis and their proposals for sustainable policies toward the city's workforce, downtown retail, and public safety. The conversation is co-sponsored by the Minneapolis Regional Chamber of Commerce. Chamber President and CEO Jonathan Weinhagen will provide opening remarks.enConversation Among Candidates for Minneapolis MayorPresentation