Nelson, AdamMenzies, TimGay, Gregory2020-12-102020-12-102011Software: Practice and Experience Volume 41, Issue 3, pages 283–305 research group: Critical Systems Research GroupWhen researchers want to repeat, improve or refute prior conclusions, it is useful to have a complete and operational description of prior experiments. If those descriptions are overly long or complex, then sharing their details may not be informative. OURMINE is a scripting environment for the development and deployment of data mining experiments. Using OURMINE, data mining novices can specify and execute intricate experiments, while researchers can publish their complete experimental rig alongside their conclusions. This is achievable because of OURMINE's succinctness. For example, this paper presents two experiments documented in the OURMINE syntax. Thus, the brevity and simplicity of OURMINE recommends it as a better tool for documenting, executing, and sharing data mining experiments.Sharing Experiments Using Open Source SoftwareReport