Doud, Alexander2009-05-192009-05-192009-04-08 contributors: Audrey Royer; Han Yuan; Minn Rose; Bin He (faculty mentor).Brain-Computer interfaces are devices that can be used to connect the thoughts of a user to the output of a machine. These devices have the potential to act as a bridge of communication for fully or partially locked in individuals, and may serve as a way for these individuals to interact with their environment. Users can be trained to modulate the synchronization and desynchronization of elements of the EEG signal by employing learned motor imaginations. By interpreting these patterns of voltage potentials recorded on the scalp, sophisticated control systems can be created. It has been the goal of my project to use existing two-dimensional cursor control paradigms as a platform from which to develop a system capable of moving a cursor in three dimensions that is robust and easy to learn. This system could have useful applications in patient communication, rehabilitation, and even mental recreation.en-USInstitute of TechnologyDepartment of Biomedical EngineeringDevelopment of Brain-Computer Interface for Common Applications: Stage I DevelopementPresentation