Rodel Sorum, Kristina2023-09-062023-09-062023 of Minnesota Capstone in partial fulfillment of the MPS in Arts and Cultural Leadership. Advisor Margo Gray. Director of Graduate Studies Thomas Borrup. Spring 2023. Degree: Master of Professional Studies in Arts and Cultural Leadership. 1 digital file (pdf).In the nonprofit sector, building trust among constituents is of paramount importance to an organization's effectiveness. This paper explores how organizational leadership prioritize constituents and establish a trusting reciprocal relationship with them. Through interviews with leadership figures at nine arts nonprofits in Minneapolis and Saint Paul Minnesota, this paper provides real examples in trust building, repair after a breach in trust, and provides recommendations for best practices.enNonprofitArtsConstituentsDonorsTrustAccountabilityThe Currency of Public Trust: Ways the nonprofit sector builds trust among constituents.Thesis or Dissertation