Alarcon, FrankCho, Y.J. JoanneDegerstrom, AndrewHartle, AshleySherlock, Reed2019-09-262019-09-262018-05-04 paper for the fulfillment of the Master of Urban and Regional Planning degree.The Metropolitan Council’s Transit Oriented Development (TOD) Policy defines TOD as walkable, moderate to high density development served by frequent transit with a mix of housing, retail, and employment choices designed to allow people to live and work without need of a personal automobile. As the Metropolitan Council expands the region’s transit network, the regional planning agency and transit provider has an interest in facilitating TOD implementation along existing and future transit corridors. Understanding the degree to which transit corridors and station areas are potential places for TOD helps public agencies implement TOD. To date, the Metropolitan Council does not have a system for evaluating the potential for TOD along transit corridors and within station areas. Instead, TOD evaluation is typically performed on a project-by-project basis without considering the existing corridor and station area. This report proposes a TOD Scoring Tool and Framework for the Metropolitan Council to use to evaluate the suitability of transit corridors and station areas for TOD. The TOD Scoring Tool is based on the Framework, which focus on three categories of variables informed by scholarly research and interviews with TOD professionals: • Travel Behavior • Built Environment • Community StrengthenTOD Evaluation MethodThe TOD Evaluation Method Evaluating TOD on Station Area and Corridor ScalesThesis or Dissertation