Farrell, Thomas2022-07-042022-07-042022-07This version was not previously published.https://hdl.handle.net/11299/228208See the above abstract.In my 2,000-word review essay "Pope Francis' 2022 Apostolic Letter, and Walter J. Ong's Thought," I highlight certain statements that Pope Francis makes in his 2022 apostolic letter on the liturgical formation of the people of God, issued on June 29, 2022. In appropriate places, I point out how certain points he makes can be connected to the work of the American Jesuit cultural historian and media ecology theorist Walter J. Ong (1912-2003; Ph.D. in English, Harvard University, 1955).enPope Francis, Walter J. Ong, Thomas J. FarrellPope Francis' 2022 Apostolic Letter, and Walter J. Ong's ThoughtScholarly Text or Essay