Blau, Peter EMcKuras, JulieSveum, Richard JThaden, GaryJohnson, Timothy J2023-07-062023-07-062022-02 newsletter of the Friends of the Sherlock Holmes Collections at the University of Minnesota Libraries. This issue is devoted to Peter E. Blau and his newsletter, Scuttlebutt from the Spermaceti Press; the publication in 1922 of Conan Doyle's "The Coming of the Fairies" and the two girls behind the conspiracy; film director Henry Codman (H.C.) Potter; updates from the Friends President on the next conference; musings by the editor; and the curator's visit to New York for the annual BSI festivities, including a viewing of Glen Miranker's exhibition at the Grolier Club, "Sherlock Holmes in 221 Objects."enHolmes, SherlockBlau, Peter E.Sherlock Holmes Collections (University of Minnesota)Miranker, GlenDoyle, Arthur Conan, 1859-1930Potter, Henry CodmanFriends of the Sherlock Holmes CollectionsFriends of the Sherlock Holmes Collections Newsletter, 2022, Vol 26, No. 1Newsletter or Bulletin