Schermann, MicheleSchneider, IngridMoua, ChouThai Lee, Tou2015-03-252015-03-252015 Minnesotans comprise about half of Minnesota’s travel market (Davidson Peterson, 2012), understanding this in-state population is important to attract and retain consumers and, subsequently, support communities and economies. As of 2015, tourist data primarily focuses on white, non-Hispanics. Other markets exist, however, and are growing in Minnesota and elsewhere. A rather unique Minnesota market is the Hmong, as the state has the second highest Hmong population in the United States. Research on other immigrant groups finds some challenges and opportunities related to leisure and leisure-related activities, such as travel. This report provides results from initial qualitative explorations of Hmong leisure travel behaviors. Given a self-reported propensity towards outdoor recreation and nature-based tourism, Hmong are particularly important to consider in destination areas where the outdoors is a key attraction. Results will inform planning, marketing, and product development for Hmong tourists as a niche group both in the United States and Minnesota.enHmongTravel intereststravel profiletravel constraintsMinnesota Hmongleisure and travelcultureeconomic statustravel motivationsmultigenerationalExploring Travel Interests and Constraints among Minnesota HmongReport