Miller, Susanna2018-04-122018-04-122005 Damiano Center's Kids Café is a nutrition education and free on-site meal program for kids in the Duluth's Central Hillside. The program is a collaboration of the DuluthCommunity Garden Program, America's Second Harvest Northern Lakes Food Bank, General Mills Champions, Youth Nutrition and Fitness Grants, CURA and the Damiano Center. The purpose of this project is to develop a pre-post survey to evaluate the Damiano Center Kids Café performance of four objectives through the collection of process data. The report includes a short pre-post project program survey which will be given to the children who attend the café, data on the eating behaviors and knowledge of healthy eating practices by the children and pre-survey results.enchildrenCommunity Assistantship Program (CAP)elementary schoolsfood programshealthnutritionsurveyDamiano Center's Kids CafeReport