Grensing, Gina, CDarger, Michael, P2021-10-142021-10-142021-10-13 joins many Minnesota communities and counties that have used UMN Extension's Connecting Businesses and Community Program (previously called the Business Retention and Expansion Strategies Program). The summary report explains what Lonsdale decided to do with their program results. There also is a much larger Research Report that can be seen at Lonsdale City Hall or at the office of Michael Darger, 462 Coffey Hall, UMN St. Paul campus.Summary of the volunteer-intensive and community-driven effort in Lonsdale Minnesota to reach out to ~35 local businesses in 2020 and move into strategic action for economic development. The project was delayed because of COVID-19, however the community team was resilient and stayed with the process with University of Minnesota Extension's Connecting Businesses and Community Program. In October, 2021 they embarked on three priority projects to improve business retention and economic development in the small city south of Minneapolis. The three priority projects are: 1. Business Succession/Business Plan Assistance Group, 2.Increase the Variety of Businesses in Town and 3. Small Business Alliance GroupenBRE, Business Retention & Expansion, Economic DevelopmentLonsdale Connecting Businesses and Community Program Summary Report, 2021Report