Mishra, Pritipuspa Amarnath2011-01-212011-01-212008-12https://hdl.handle.net/11299/99163University of Minnesota Ph.D. dissertation. December 2008. Major: History. Advisor: Ajay Skaria. 1 computer file (PDF); viii, 248 pages. Ill.(map)some col.This dissertation poses the following question--What does the co-existence of profound linguistic difference and unitary nationalism reveal about the nature of the Indian nation and the relationship between the region and the nation in India. To this end, I focus on the period when a tactical resolution between the demands of the region and the nation occurred in India. My contention is that at the root of this resolution is the need (both at the regional and national level) to imagine a new citizen of emergent India. Through detailed studies of cultural and intellectual engagement of regional political, literary and historical organizations in early twentieth century Orissa, this dissertation traces the resolution of regional and national interests. I argue that in the period between 1900 and 1920, the emergence of the idea of a universal and politicized Indian citizen occasioned this resolution of the tension between the region and the nation. As the meanings of politics, statehood, rule and subject-hood changed due the colonial state's efforts to introduce franchise in India, both the Indian National Congress and the major regional political organization in Orissa, the Utkal Sammillani were forced to elaborate a clear relationship between Orissa as a region and the broader Indian nation in order to define the universal Indian citizen.en-USCitizenshipConcept of politicsNationalismOrissaRegional PoliticsHistoryDivided loyalties: citizenship, regional identity and nationalism in Eastern India (1866- 1931)Thesis or Dissertation