Resch, Salonik2021-06-292021-06-292021-03 of Minnesota M.S. thesis. 2020. Major: Computer Engineering. Advisor: Ulya Karpuzcu. 1 computer file (PDF); 35 pages.Neural networks span a wide range of applications of industrial and commercial significance. Binary neural networks (BNN) are particularly effective in trading accuracy for performance, energy efficiency or hardware/software complexity. In this thesis, I demonstrate a spintronic, re-configurable in-memory BNN accelerator, affectionately named PIMBALL: Processing In Memory BNN Accelerator, which allows for massively parallel and energy efficient computation. PIMBALL is capable of being used as a standard spintronic memory (STT-MRAM) array and a computational substrate simultaneously. For evaluation, I test PIMBALL using multiple image classifiers and a genomics kernel. Thesimulation results show that PIMBALL is more energy efficient than alternative CPU, GPU, and FPGA based implementations while delivering higher throughput.enBinary Neural NetworksSpintronic memoryBinary Neural Networks in Spintronic MemoryThesis or Dissertation