2023-11-092023-11-091999-10https://hdl.handle.net/11299/258082This volume contains proceedings of the Second Annual Minnesota Exploration Conference, which focuses on the Vermilion district of northeastern Minnesota. This Archean greenstone belt hosted the first commercial mine in Minnesota-the enigmatic high-grade Soudan iron mine-as well as the first reported gold in Minnesota. But more than a century after the first speculative gold rush on the shores of Lake Vermilion, the district remains poorly explored for both base and precious metals. The gold showings included on this year' s field trip are remarkable for their often accidental discovery in road cuts and in association with iron ore prospects. Part 1 of this volume includes abstracts that address the geology, mineral potential, and exploration history of the district. Southwick summarizes the geology of the Vermilion greenstone belt. Peterson and Hudak report on recent work in the Vermilion district that has resulted in the identification of volcanic massive sulfide systems unrecognized by early explorers. Ulland identifies some of the historical reasons for the lack of exploration, Dahl reviews the archived exploration data available for the district, and Lehmann outlines some of the policies and incentives that make Minnesota a good business risk as well as a good geological risk. Part 2 of this volume is the field trip guidebook, which was prepared by Dean M. Peterson, University of Minnesota - Duluth, and Mark A. Jirsa, Minnesota Geological Survey. The information was synthesized from many years of field work by the authors and other geologists along with archived geological, geochemical, and geophysical data found in the lease files of the Minerals Division of the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR). The DNR archives contain records from at least twenty-three exploration companies that have worked in the Vermilion district.enNatural Resources Research InstituteUniversity of Minnesota DuluthMinnesota Exploration Conference 1999 Proceedings: Lode Gold and Massive Sulfide Prospects in the Archean Western Vermilion District of Northeastern MinnesotaConference Paper