Jacobs, Lawrence R2021-01-022021-01-022010-04-13https://hdl.handle.net/11299/217635Labeled "an important weapon in the ongoing war on terrorism" by the Department of Defense, Ali Soufan, a highly decorated former FBI Supervisory Special Agent, investigated and supervised highly sensitive international terrorism cases, including the East African Embassy bombings, the attack on the USS Cole, and the events surrounding 9/11. He has been at the forefront of our nation's battle against al Qaeda, including going undercover as an al Qaeda agent, interrogating top terrorists, and serving as the government's main witness at trials held in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Drawing on his experiences, Mr. Soufan explained mistakes made against al Qaeda, what we need to do to defeat the terrorist organization, and how to effectively interrogate top terrorists. Commentary was provided by former Vice President Walter F. Mondale, and the event was moderated by Professor Lawrence R. Jacobs. ALI SOUFAN Ali Soufan is the Chief Executive Officer of the Soufan Group LLC. Mr. Soufan is a former FBI Supervisory Special Agent who investigated and supervised highly sensitive and complex international terrorism cases, including the East Africa Bombings, the attack on the USS Cole, and the events surrounding 9/11. Mr. Soufan is regarded as a leading national security and counter-terrorism expert, and continues to play a significant advisory role on today’s most sensitive issues. Mr. Soufan had a distinguished career in the FBI. He often operated out of hostile environments and carried out sensitive extra-territorial missions and high-level negotiations. Mr. Soufan also served on the Joint Terrorist Task Force, FBI New York Office, where he coordinated both domestic and international counter-terrorism operations. Mr. Soufan has received numerous awards and commendations for his counter-terrorism work. These include the Director of the FBI’s Award for Excellence in Investigation, the Respect for Law Enforcement Award for “relentless pursuit of truth and bringing terrorist subjects before the bar of justice,” and a commendation from the U.S. Department of Defense that labeled him “an important weapon in the ongoing war on terrorism.” Mr. Soufan is an honors graduate from Mansfield University of Pennsylvania where he received undergraduate degrees in international studies and political science. He is a magna cum laude graduate of Villanova University where he received a master of arts in international relations.enTortured Reasoning and Misunderstanding the ThreatPresentation