Department of Soil Science, University of Minnesota2012-02-092012-02-091972 1972 edition of the "Bluebook" 1s a compilation of data collected and analyzed throughout Minnesota. Information was contributed by personnel of the Department of Soil Science, Extension Soil Specialists and Agronomists at St. Paul and at the branch stations of Crookston, Grand Rapids, Lamberton, Morris, Rosemount and Uaseca; and Soils and Crops area agents. Other associate personnel contributing Information Included: Iron Range Resources and Rehabilitation; Minnesota Resources Commissions; Office of Water Resources Research, U.S. Department of the Interior; Soil Conservation Service; SUCRD-ARS-USDA; Tennessee Valley Authority; and the Weather Bureau. This archival publication may not reflect current scientific knowledge or recommendations. Current information available from the University of Minnesota Extension: Report on Field Research in SoilsReport