Kreag, Glenn MSkurla, James ALichty, Richard WJacobson, JeanMcTavish, Donald GBarkataki, MalitaPaukner, Amber2023-11-222023-11-222003 following technical report on the Cook County resident survey was developed as a part of the larger research project “Tourism and Winter Trail-based Recreation: An economic and environmental comparison of motor and quiet sports.” The project was designed to document and compare the impacts of snowmobiling and cross country skiing in a destination county. It will measure the economic impacts and assess the perceived social and environmental impacts of these activities. This study employed questionnaires with snowmobilers and cross country skiers and survey local residents in Cook County, Minnesota. An understanding of the differences between motor sports (snowmobiling) and a quiet sport (cross country skiing) is useful in planning future development, minimizing negative impacts, and improving marketing decisions.enMinnesota Sea GrantBureau of Business and Economic ResearchUniversity of Minnesota DuluthCook County Winter Trail Use Study: Technical ReportReport