Bowers, Charles E.2011-06-272011-06-271950-01 Naval Auxiliary Air Station, Whiting Field, is to have a stormwater disposal system in which the existing pipes and terraces under and in the vicinity of the runways and building area will discharge into paved trapezoidal open channels. Many of the channels join other channels as they pass down the sides of the plateau on which the airfield is located. The grades of the main channels and of many of the lateral channels are such that water flows at supercritica1 velocities or at velocities greater than that of a gravity wave (V > sqrt(gd)). The difficulties anticipated in joining two streams of water, one or more of which is flowing at supercritical velocities, led to the request for model studies of several of the channel junctions.en-USHydraulic Model Studies for Whiting Field Naval Air Station Part VReport