University of Minnesota Duluth. Instructional Development ServiceEllis, JasonGute, BrianSmith, Shelley2014-06-262017-04-142014-06-262017-04-142013 "differences that make a difference" is fundamental to the success of helping our international students and faculty succeed, and of accomplishing the intercultural goals of the strategic plan. Join us at this workshop to discuss strategies that can be used to maximize: International faculty success, departmental collegiality, student learningThe UMD Strategic plan includes intercultural goals for creating an inclusive climate and a globally engaged campus. Achieving this involves multiple strategies, including increasing the recruitment and retention of international students and faculty. The increased presence of international students and faculty on campus has the potential to create a diversified campus, rich in opportunity for lively cultural dialogues, mutual learning opportunities and a more globally engaged student body and campus.en-USPostersInstructional Development Service (IDS)STEMIDS Faculty FellowUniversity of Minnesota DuluthMaximizing the Opportunities: Working with International Students & Faculty (2013-05-07)Other