Youde, JeremyUniversity of Minnesota Duluth. Royal D. Alworth, Jr. Institute for International Studies2020-03-242020-03-242019 Jeremy Youde, Dean of the College of Liberal Arts will present the Royal D. Alworth, Jr. Memorial Lecture this Wednesday (09/18/19; 7:00 PM; Montague Hall 70). He will present: Globalization: The Cause of and Solution to Global Health Crises. Free and open to the public. A reception follows the lecture. A CLA passport event.The increasing movement of peoples and goods across borders has the power to both spread diseases far and wide and mobilize effective international responses that can stop epidemics from spreading out of control. In this talk, Youde will use historical and contemporary examples to describe how globalization changes the health of populations in positive and negative ways--and how we can use our understanding of these forces to promote better health outcomes around the world. Youde's most recent book, Globalization and Health, will be sold at the event ($32.00). en-USPostersUniversity of Minnesota DuluthLecturesRoyal D. Alworth, Jr. Institute for International StudiesRoyal D. Alworth, Jr. Memorial LectureGlobalization: The Cause of and Solution to Global Health Crises (2019-09-18)Other