Wahlstrom, KylaRiedel, Eric2012-11-082012-11-082004-08https://hdl.handle.net/11299/138351The College in the Schools (CIS) program delivers introductory-level University of Minnesota courses to high school junior and senior students in their high schools. These courses are taught by their high school teachers and are a means of providing advanced curriculum to those students who are ready for highly challenging content. There is a range of subject areas in CIS courses – world languages, English composition and literature, economics, history, and political science. The high school teachers are supported by professors from the University of Minnesota who provide professional development related to content and instructional methods. The classes are offered during the regular school day and meet for a semester or the entire year. There is no charge to students to take the classes; however, there is a small amount of tuition which the schools pay to the University for coordinating their participation in CIS. Students are able to earn college credit for their participation in CIS courses. The College in the Schools (CIS) Program Impact Survey for principals, teachers, and guidance counselors was administered as a web survey from April 9, 2003 through June 17, 2003. The survey sought information from school principals, teachers, and counselors on what they saw as the impact of CIS on their school, teachers, related academic departments, and students. The survey also asked about financial difficulties in implementing the CIS program and their support for charging students tuition to participate in the program.en-UScollege in the schoolscollege readinessguidance counselorscollege creditAnalysis of the College in the Schools Program Impact SurveyReport