Sorensen, IsaacTao, YaWang, Meng2019-08-222019-08-222019 completed by students enrolled in GIS 5574: Web GIS and Services, taught by Justin Hansen in Spring 2019.This project was completed as part of the 2018-2019 Resilient Communities Project ( partnership with Ramsey County. Ramsey County wanted to create a single web-mapping application designed to improve coordination among city and county public works departments of road construction and maintenance projects included in their respective five-year plans. Ideally, the application would display the projects proposed by all participants on one platform, and project information could be updated continuously to reflect funding changes, construction delays, and other timeline adjustments. In addition, the application would allow users to identify potential geographic or temporal conflicts among constructions projects, and would include a public interface to allow residents to view the status of upcoming and ongoing projects. Ramsey County project lead Matt Koukol worked with a team of students in Justin Hansen's GIS 5574: Web GIS and Services course to design a data model, data-presentation methodology, and prototype application, using the County’s enterprise geodatabase and ArcGIS Online as the platform for the web application. The students' final presentation describing the application is available.ensustainabilitylocal governmentRamsey County Projects, 2018-2019Web Mapping - Ramsey County Construction ToolPresentation