Center for Transportation Studies2022-12-052022-12-052022-10 This issue of Catalyst was published in a web-only format, with articles posted online throughout the month and also sent in an e-mail to subscribers at the end of the month. The PDF in this record collated the e-mail summary with the full-length articles posted online.Articles include: Annual impacts report: CTS addresses societal needs, serves Minnesota; Shared automated vehicles could make cities more livable, equitable; Reconnecting divided communities through mindful infrastructure; Understanding everyday life leads to new discoveries—with the help of innovative app; Stormwater control strategies help prevent phosphorus pollution of Minnesota’s waterways; Internships give students real-world experience in transportation; CTS to focus on 'Future of Mobility' in 2023; Register for the 25th Annual Freight and Logistics SymposiumenTransportationCatalyst (October 2022)Newsletter or Bulletin