Vshivkova, T. S.Flint, O. S.Holzenthal, R. W.Kjer, K. M.Frandsen, P. B.Thomson, R. E.Egorov, A. B.2017-08-022017-08-022013Vshivkova, T. S., Flint, O. S., Holzenthal, R. W., Kjer, K. M., Frandsen, P. B., Thomson, R. E., & Egorov, A. B. (2013). First data on Trichoptera fauna (Insecta) of streams and ponds of Vostok Bay Basin (Peter the Great Bay, Primorye Territory). In E. A. Makarchenko (Ed.), Freshwater Life (pp. 123-143 [in Russian with English abstract]). Vladivostok, Russia: Dalnauka.https://hdl.handle.net/11299/189155Trichoptera fauna of streams and ponds of Vostok Bay Basin (Peter The Great Bay) was unknown up to now. Due to collections of the CRDF-FEBRAS 2011-2012 international expeditions an annotated list of caddisflies inhabiting this area was prepared. The list is included 56 species from 37 genera and 21 families. The data on biogeographical distribution of the species are given.enTrichopteracaddisfliesVostok Bay BasinFirst data on Trichoptera fauna (Insecta) of streams and ponds of Vostok Bay Basin (Peter the Great Bay, Primorye Territory).Article