Newstrom, BrianOlson, Curtis2010-12-072010-12-072009-02 accuracy (2-8 cm) DGPS and high accuracy (5-20 cm) geospatial databases (or to use the term loosely, “enhanced digital maps”) are the primary components of the IV Lab driver assistive systems. In addition to vehicle-based systems, the IV Lab geospatial database has found utility in other applications. For instance, the database has recently been used for a new Intersection Decision Support (IDS) project, where radar sensors are used to determine the state of an intersection as a first step in warning drivers when it is unsafe to enter a thu-Stop intersection. The geospatial database is used in this application to improve the ability of the radar system to determine whether a target represents a legitimate threat at the intersection. The IV Lab geospatial database was designed and optimized for vehicle applications, and provides real time access to extremely accurate, dense geospatial data. Because of this optimization, its functionality in other applications is somewhat limited. As new applications arise (i.e., the need to integrate high accuracy geospatial data into a driving simulator, the desire by DOTs to more accurately represent roads, rights of way, etc.), a more “global” approach to the design of the existing geospatial database is required. Described herein is a redesign of the geospatial database and database manager and the development of a new “front end” to serve a wide application base.en-USGeographic Information SystemMap DatabaseTerrain DataMultiuse, High Accuracy, High Density Geospatial Database