VandenBussche, Elisah JFlannigan, David JHolmes, Russell JClark, Catherine P2021-01-082021-01-082021-01-08 files are raw UEM data files generated by the Gatan camera attached to the electron microscope in Amundson Hall B47 in .dm3 format. The Excel file Experimental Variables Key provides a key to the filenames of the datasets. More specific information on data file organization and variable definitions can be found in the readme file.Using a pulsed-beam transmission electron microscope, we discover a reduction in damage to methylammonium lead iodide (MAPbI3) as compared to conventional beams delivered at the same dose rates. This work provides insights into damage processes and durability in hybrid perovskites and also illustrates the viability of using pulsed-beam TEM to explore the associated molecular-level routes to degradation, analogous to laser-accelerated energetic pulsed electron beams and the study of damage to biomolecules, cells, and tissues in radiobiology. The data acquired in this experiment are released here to enable open access to published data in accordance with MRSEC data policies.Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States Data for Mitigating Damage to Hybrid Perovskites Using Pulsed-Beam TEMDataset