Neyhart, Jeffrey LSmith, Kevin P2019-07-252019-07-252019-07-25 (1200 + 183) barley individuals were genotyped using genotyping-by-sequencing (GBS). 100 - 150 bp single-end reads were generated from the USDA-ARS Small Grains Genotyping Lab in Fargo, ND. SNPs were called using a custom pipeline ( and were filtered for mapping quality, genotype quality, and read depth (see README). Markers and entries were further processed and filtered on minor allele frequency and missingness using the relevant R script (see README). Missing marker genotypes were imputed using 3 different methods using the relevant R script (see README). Both the unimputed ("discrete") and imputed ("imputed") marker genotypes are available in this repository.Two barley populations were genotyped for use in studies of genomewide selection: a training population of 183 individuals and a selection candidate population of 1200 individuals.Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States selectiongenotyping-by-sequencingsingle nucleotide polymorphismSNP Genotyping Data for the Barley Population in "Registration of the S2MET Barley Mapping Population for Multi-Environment Genomewide Selection"Dataset