Tran Myhre, Kyle2016-09-012016-09-012016-05 of Minnesota Final Project. Spring 2016. Degree: Master of Liberal Studies. Advisor: Sonja Kuftinec 1 computer file (PDF)Spoken word and slam poetry - as both practice and culture - share with critical pedagogy an emphasis on asking questions, cultivating dialogue and counter-narratives, critical thinking, valuing personal experience and narratives, making the invisible visible (especially with regards to power), relationship-building through honest and authentic engagement, and collectively creating the community in which we want to live. I am interested in how all of these concepts function within social justice education spaces: first-year orientation and "welcome week" programs, corporate diversity trainings, bystander intervention presentations, online "thinkpieces" and video blogs, and beyond. More specifically, this project explores how spoken word can be a creative intervention to help make social justice education programs not just more engaging , but more critical.enSpoken WordSlam PoetryCritical PedagogySocial Justice EducationSocial JusticeEducationPage, Stage, Engage: Spoken Word as a Tool for Creating More Critical , Engaging, Social Justice Education ProgramsThesis or Dissertation