Lane, Ian GHerron-Sweet, Christina RPortman, Zachary MCariveau, Daniel P2020-05-262020-05-262020-05-26 are four files for this analysis. The Species Data includes information on what bees were collected at which sites. The site by round file contains the site information in a site by round interaction format for recreating the local diversity analysis and contains floral resource richness values for each unique site by round combination. The site data sheet is simply the site information with floral resource richness pooled over the entire sampling season.These data are for recreating the analysis conducted for "Floral resource diversity drives bee community diversity in prairie restorations along an agricultural landscape gradient" in Journal of Applied EcologyAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United StatesBeta diversitylocal diversitybee communitiesprairie restorationFloral resource diversity drives bee community diversity in prairie restorations along an agricultural landscape gradientDataset