Farrell, Thomas2021-12-102021-12-102021-12This version was not previously published.https://hdl.handle.net/11299/225569See the above abstract.In my 2,400-word review essay "Robert Kanigel's 2021 Book Hearing Homer's Song, and Walter J. Ong's Thought," I first highlight the thought of the American Jesuit Renaissance specialist and cultural historian Walter J. Ong (1912-2003; Ph.D. in English, Harvard University University, 1955) about Milman Parry, Albert B. Lord, Eric A. Havelock, and the French Jesuit anthropologist Marcel Jousse. Next, in a new subsection, I highlight Robert Kanigel's new 2021 book Hearing Homer's Song: The Brief Life and Big Idea of Milman Parry (New York: Alfred A. Knopf), especially what he says about Milman Parry, Albert B. Lord, Marcel Jousse, Walter J. Ong, Eric A. Havelock, and John Miles Foley.enRobert Kanigel, Milman Parry, Albert B. Lord, Marcel Jousse, Walter J. Ong, Eric A. Havelock, John Miles FoleyRobert Kanigel's 2021 Book Hearing Homer's Song, and Walter J. Ong's ThoughtScholarly Text or Essay