Case, Logan JBates, Frank SDorfman, Kevin D2023-01-092023-01-092023-01-09 data archive contains all of the files required to reproduce the data reported in the manuscript "Tuning conformational asymmetry in particle-forming diblock copolymer alloys. Logan J. Case, Frank S. Bates and Kevin D. Dorfman, Soft Matter 19, 90-97 (2023)." The files include both SCFT input files for us in the pscfpp software package, as well as plots of key results generated in png format. The generated plots include both the data appearing in the paper and intermediate steps in the analysis. A complete summary of all common-tangent constructions for every phase diagram point is included as well.Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 United States polymerself assemblyblendingFrank-Kasper phasesLaves phasesData for Tuning conformational asymmetry in particle-forming diblock copolymer alloysDataset