Nemanich, Samuel TLench, Daniel HSutter, Ellen NKowalski, Jesse LFrancis, SundayMeekins, GregKrach, LindaFeyma, TimGillick, Bernadette T2020-06-102020-06-102020-06-10**This dataset contains 19 individuals (N01-N21, excl N10 and N18) with stroke and hemiparesis, age 7-22. Data are stored in Matlab data structures, which contain a table and two sub-structures: 1. BasicInfo (table): demographics, group assignment 2. LesionedHemisphere (sub-structure): MEP data for lesioned hemisphere single-pulse TMS 3. NonlesionedHemispehre (sub-structure): MEP data for non-lesioned hemisphere single-pulse TMS The data in the two sub-structures contain Matlab 6 tables, one for each time point: 1. Pre (i.e. Baseline) 2. Post0 (0 minutes after tDCS) 3. Post15 (15 minutes after tDCS) 4. Post30 (30 minutes after tDCS) 5. Post45 (45 minutes after tDCS) 6. Post60 (60 minutes after tDCS) These tables contain a 20x24 array. Each row is an individual trial, each column is defined as follows: Left hand muscle (Channel 1) Column 1: Valid trial 1=yes, 0=no Column 2: MEP amplitude (uV) Column 3: MEP latency (ms) Column 4: MEP AUC Column 5: MEP number of peaks Column 6: MEP duration (ms) Columns 7-12: same as 1-6 for Right Hand muscle (Channel 2) Columns 12-18: same as 1-6 for Left Wrist muscle (Channel 3) Columns 19-24: same as 1-6 for Right Wrist muscle (Channel 4) **For all data in Matlab tables, use the command table2array to convert the table to a numeric matrix.CC0 1.0 Universalperinatal strokehemiparesisneurophysiologytranscranial direct current stimulationmotor evoked potentialbrain excitabilitytranscranial magnetic stimulationIndividualized anodal transcranial direct current stimulation increases corticospinal excitability in children with hemiparesis due to early stroke: transcranial magnetic stimulation assessment dataDataset