Maki, David2015-08-272015-08-272015-05-14 presentation at the "Workshop on Digital Topographic Analysis: LiDAR, Satellite Imagery, Terrestrial Laser Scanning, and GIS" held at the University of Minnesota on May 14, 2015.The recent availability of light detection and ranging (LiDAR) data has revolutionized archaeological research in Minnesota and beyond. LiDAR allows us to identify archaeological resources over large spatial extents and recognize features that are difficult to perceive on the ground. LiDAR elevation data may also be combined with geophysical survey methods to better understand feature geometry and subsurface integrity. This presentation will introduce advanced LiDAR data processing and visualization methods for archaeological research, as well as discuss how LiDAR data may be combined with geophysical data to map archaeological features in three dimensions. These topics will be explored through presentation of a number of regional case studies.enNon-Invasive Archaeological Site Assessment: A Combined Approach Using LiDAR and Sub-Surface Geophysical SurveyVideo or Animation