Calabrèse, AurélieCheong, Allen M. Y.Cheung, Sing-HangHe, YingchenKwon, MiYoungMansfield, J. StephenSubramanian, AhalyaYu, DeyueLegge, Gordon E.2017-08-302017-08-302017-08-30 MNREAD estimates for 654 participants with normal vision (age range 8-81). The four MNREAD estimates are : Maximum Reading Speed, Reading Accessibility Index, Critical Print Size, Reading Acuity.The continuous-text reading-acuity test MNREAD is designed to measure the reading performance of people with normal and low vision. This test is used to estimate maximum reading speed (MRS), critical print size (CPS), reading acuity (RA), and the reading accessibility index (ACC). The present data contains MNREAD data from 645 normally sighted participants ranging in age from 8 to 81 years. The data were collected in several studies conducted by different testers and at different sites in our research program, enabling evaluation of robustness of the test. The data allows to: 1) study the age dependence of reading performance for normally sighted individuals; 2) provide baseline data for MNREAD testing.Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States visionagingreading performanceMNREAD acuity chartMNREAD Baseline Data for Normal Vision Across the LifespanDataset