Krumholz, Elias2018-08-142018-08-142018-05 of Minnesota Ph.D. dissertation. May 2018. Major: Plant Biological Sciences. Advisor: Igor Libourel. 1 computer file (PDF); ix, 120 pages.Metabolic networks are rigorous and computable representations of metabolism that describe the connections between genes, enzymes, reactions, and metabolites. The comprehensive nature of metabolic networks has allowed them to become the first truly “genome-scale” models, and they have served as a foundational framework for the broader effort of systems biology, which aims to model all aspects of cellular function. A more thorough and accurate understanding of metabolism has the potential to improve the synthesis of important biological compounds, better model metabolic diseases, and progress towards simulations of entire cells. The thesis research presented here focuses on the reconstruction of organism-specific metabolic networks from genome annotations and methods for improving metabolic networks by reconciling them with observed phenotypes, specifically the synthesis of essential cellular metabolites such as DNA, amino acids, and other small molecules. Gene sequence similarity and estimations of thermodynamic reaction parameters are used to guide network reconciliation through the use of numerical optimization algorithms. Particular attention is devoted to the validation of metabolic networks using experimental data, such as gene essentiality, and the development of computational controls using parameter randomization.enBiological modelingComputational biologyGene knockoutMetabolic NetworkSystems biologyThermodynamicsReconstruction, Reconciliation, and Validation of Metabolic NetworksThesis or Dissertation