Boudewyns, Deborah K. UltanFreeman, TravisWong, Michael2013-05-312013-05-312013-05-31 guide for the library exhibition, "Paradise and Purgatory," held February 14 - April 4, 2008Two art exhibits—one of works by University of Minnesota graduate students, and one of images from the University's Gorman Rare Art Book Collection—explore themes of salvation and damnation in art. Work ranging from the 4th century to the present informs viewers of possible routes to spiritual redemption and the disasters that might befall moral transgressors.en-USDepartment of ArtUniversity LibrariesGormanBooksArtExhibitionsFrancis V. Gorman Rare and Special Art Book CollectionspiritualitysalvationdamnationExhibit Guide for, "Paradise and Purgatory," February 14 - April 4, 2008Manual or Documentation