University of Minnesota: Center for Urban and Regional Affairs2011-12-082011-12-082011 issue contains the following articles: The Unraveling of the American Dream, by Ryan Allen / University Metropolitan Consortium–Twin Cities Public Television Documentaries Available / Climate Variability and the Productivity of Barley and Oats in Minnesota, by Katherine Klink, Christopher J. Crawford, Jochum J. Wiersma, and Deon D. Stuthman / Connecting Where It Counts: The 2011 Hennepin-University Partnership Symposium / Counting on Everyone: Increasing Participation in the 2010 U.S. Census in Minneapolis, by Margaret Kaplan / Project Updates / David Forrest Awarded CURA Dissertation Research Grant / Children in “Newly Poor” Families in the Twin Cities: Coping with the Current Economic Crisis, by Esther Wattenberg and Ann Beuch / Project Assistance Available from CURA / From Risks to Assets: Toward a Strengths-Based Approach to Juvenile Justice Reentry into the Community, by Joshua Page and Shelly Schaefer / Will Craig Named UCGIS Fellow / Recent Project Awards / CURA Reporter Delivery Preference Reply Card.urban affairscommunitiesneighborhoodshousingCURA Reporter [Spring 2011]Newsletter or Bulletin