Saborio, Ricardo J2017-12-122017-12-122017-12 presentation focuses on outlining the experimental setup and results for the characterization of Coarse Sun Sensor performance for in-orbit attitude determination in small satellites. Coarse Sun Sensors provide an inexpensive alternative to the more commonly used Fine Sun Sensors in the aerospace industry. These sensors are a fraction of the cost ($1.50 vs $3500 per unit) of the space grade sun sensors in regular satellites and, based on the results obtained in this work, the sensors themselves prove to be relatively effective at measuring the incoming sun vector. The work done in this Undergraduate Research Opportunity (UROP) is intended to serve as a stepping-stone for the development of an inexpensive sun-sensor packet for the University of Minnesota small satellite research group’s payloads. These payloads require accurate pointing at the sun while in orbit and thus such a sensor packet would be key to mission success.enCoarse Sun SensorsUROPEXACTSOCRATESAttitude DeterminationCubeSatCharacterizing Performance and Errors of Coarse Sun SensorsPresentation