Arendale, David R.2018-09-262018-09-262018Arendale, D. R. (2018). Postsecondary peer cooperative learning programs. In L. Sanders (Ed). Learning centers in the 21st century: Design, delivery and performance. Chicago, IL: National College Learning Centers Association. collaborative learning has been historically embedded in education. As both pedagogy and learning strategy, it has been adopted and adapted for a wide range of academic content areas at the elementary, secondary, and postsecondary levels due to its benefits. The professional literature is filled with reports of individual instructors integrating this approach into postsecondary classrooms in diverse ways. This is due to claims by some programs that following their specific protocols increase student academic performance, persistence rates, and bolstering institutional revenues as a result. Rather than attempting to cover the entire range of collaborative learning practices, this section is focused on four national peer learning models. The four student peer learning programs selected for this chapter were the only ones that met the following characteristics: (a) implemented at the postsecondary or tertiary level; (b) clear set of systematic procedures for implementation to replicate by another institution; (c) evaluation studies have been conducted and available for review; (d) intentionally embeds learning strategy practice along with a review of academic content material; (e) outcomes include increased content knowledge, higher final course grades, higher course pass rates, and higher college persistence rates; and (f) replicated at another institution with similar positive student outcomes. The following programs met these seven characteristics: (a) Emerging Scholars Program (ESP), (b) Peer-Led Team Learning (PLTL), (c) Structured Learning Assistance (SLA), and (d) Supplemental Instruction (SI).encollege studentslearning assistancestudent engagementhigher and postsecondary educationpedagogypeer assisted learningpostsecondary peer cooperative learning groupsprogram evaluationcollege student developmentstudent transitions and vocational explorationdevelopmental educationacademic accessSupplemental Instructionlearning assistance centerspeer-led team learningemerging scholars programPostsecondary peer cooperative learning programsBook chapter