Water Resources Research Center2010-07-132010-07-131973-08Water Resources Research Center. 1973. Ninth Annual Report. Water Resources Research Center.https://hdl.handle.net/11299/91941The fiscal year 1973 budget of the Center was 413,724. The center supported 18 research projects involving 19 faculty members. These research projects were concerned with: mathematical watershed system analysis, aquatic plants, eutrophic lakes, groundwater basin information, water resources research planning, soil water movement, Mississippi river ecology, perception of water resources problems, financing of water resources development, water pollution and social factors, forest management, water resources policies, sub-surface irrigation, flood forecasting, water policy decisions, precipitation variations, and floods. About 51 students received employment through the Center's program. During fiscal year 1973, there were 32 reports generated through research projects.en-USresearchwater resourcesminnesotaeducationprojectsexpenditures manpowerwater managementwater pollutionwater resources research actNinth Annual Report Water Resources Research CenterNewsletter or Bulletin