Barr, AvaMcCue, Cameron2019-08-302019-08-302019 and presentation completed by students enrolled in PA 8081: Education Policy & Reform Capstone Workshop, taught by Judy Temple in spring 2019.This project was completed as part of a year-long partnership between Scott County and the University of Minnesota’s Resilient Communities Project ( The goal of this project was to make recommendations to Scott County on steps to promote the cross-program integration of data to better reach families in need of essential early childhood services. Scott County project lead Jake Grussing collaborated with students in Judy Temple’s Education & Policy Reform Capstone Workshop to analyze three unique data integration programs in the United States and provide actionable steps for Scott County staff and leadership. A final student report and PowerPoint presentation slides from the project are available.enScott County Projects, 2018-2019sustainabilitylocal governmentIntegrating Early Childhood DataPresentation